
Tweed Heads Seagulls Coach Code of Conduct

  • Actively discourage foul play and/or unsportsmanlike behaviour by players.

  • Seek to maximise the participation and enjoyment for all players regardless of ability; avoid the tendency to over-use a talented player; treat all players as equals, regardless of their talent.

  • Show concern and caution towards all sick and injured players. Follow the advice of a physician and/or sports trainer to the letter when determining when an injured player is ready to recommence training or playing.

  • Teach players that an honest effort and competing to the best of their ability is more important than victory.

  • Maintain appropriate, professional relationships with players at all times.

  • Maintain a thorough knowledge of the rules of the game and keep abreast of current coaching methods; maintain or improve your current accreditation level.

  • Always consider the health, safety and welfare of the players.

  • Teach young players to realise that there is a gap between their play and the professional game; do not coach them as if they are professionals.

  • Ensure that your coaching reflects the level of the competition being played; do not be a ‘winner-at-all-costs’ coach.

  • As a coach, conduct yourself at all times in a manner, and in all situations, that shows leadership, respect for the game of Rugby League and respect for all those that are involved in the game - the players, officials, the fans, the parents, the referees and the media.