  • Be a good sport. Respect all good play whether from your team or the opposition and shake hands with and thank the opposition players and officials after the game - win, lose or draw.

  • Participate for your own enjoyment and benefit.

  • Always respect the referee’s decision.

  • Never become involved in acts of foul play.

  • Honour both the spirit and letter of the competition rules and live up to the highest ideals of ethics and sportsmanship; avoid gamesmanship and respect the traditions of the game.

  • Never engage in disrespectful conduct of any sort including profanity, sledging, obscene gestures, offensive remarks, trash-talking, taunting or other actions that are demeaning to other players, officials or supporters.

  • Care for and respect the facilities and equipment made available to you during training and competition.

  • Safeguard your health; don’t use any illegal or unhealthy substances.

  • Recognise that many officials, coaches and referees are volunteers who give up their time to provide their services. Treat them with the utmost respect.

  • Do not bet or otherwise financially speculate, directly or indirectly, on the outcome or any other aspect of a Rugby League match or competition in which you are involved.

The Tweed Heads Seagulls Player Code of Conduct